January 08, 2008

Mute no more?

Celebrating her primary victory in New Hampshire tonight, Hillary Clinton asserted, with a straight face, ''Over the last week, I listened to you, and in the process I found my own voice.'' This from the woman who has been "making change for 35 years"? How did she make all that change if she didn't have self-knowledge and the ability to channel it into action? Perhaps she means that until now she has been completely poll-driven, scripted, and insincere. But wait - we already knew that!


AmericanGoy said...

Did you catch how ALL the candidates changed their message to "Change"?

They just had a segment which run for about a minute, of all the candidates parroting Obama...

The funny thing is, Obama stands for... what exactly? Change? Define this please?

The presidency is defined by a stolen soundbite...

myfitmate said...

lol so true! im based in australia and have been following te election thus far and cant believe the "unsuspecting" twist and turns lol.

visit my blog sometime

cheers mate