February 22, 2006

The Source of Evil in the Modern World

I'm all hepped up over high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and last week's trip to the grocery store pushed me over the edge.

Did you know that most commerically produced bread - the kind most Moms in America buy for the kids' lunches, including the supposedly-healthy whole grain types - is made with HFCS? I sure didn't, and believe me you have to read a lot of lables to find the few varieties of non-organic, reasonably priced bread to find one made with honey or cane sugar instead.

This article explains the link between HFCS, Federal corn subsidies, and America's growing obsesity crisis.

And where are our lawmakers in all of this? In bed with the agribusiness giants, of course. Remember this the next time you see an ad on those Sunday morning talk shows from ADM - one of the leading purveyers of this poison, and the most prominant recipient of Federal subsidies.

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