FoxNews Sunday's Chris Wallace provides some background on former president Clinton's meltdown during a recent interview:
Didn't he learn that it's not good to go on the air when you're upset?
Random rants and raves from Boulder, CO and Boston, MA
FoxNews Sunday's Chris Wallace provides some background on former president Clinton's meltdown during a recent interview:
Didn't he learn that it's not good to go on the air when you're upset?
Here's what the former "Queen of Nice" had to say on The View this morning: "Radical Christianity is as much a threat as radical Islam in a country like the United States." How will Miss Walters, one of the shows executive producers, deal with the fallout? Stay tuned....
Turns out the "Architect" has a gay dad. Can anyone explain the psychology of a person who advocates political positions and uses his power to harm a family member? (Don't even get me started on the GOP's closet case Mehlman.) Is he out for revenge, to punish his old man for breaking up the family? Or does he think he can relieve whatever misguided feelings of shame he harbors by "proving" he's a man? Whatever, I don't see why we should all suffer because Karl had an unhappy childhood. But I guess that's the history of the world....
A freak accident at sea has killed killed Australia's Steve Irwin. Sad news on this Labor Day.
My satisfaction with time-saving and cool applications like ClearContext has me searching for others. I've been playing with Tidy Start Menu, which does one thing very well: more easily organize my Windows Start menu. Until now, whenever I added an application, or updated a previous one, the new folders and shortcuts messed up my previous organization of links. After a significantly distracting amount of clutter had developed, I'd right click on Start/Programs/ Explore All Users and move things around. To get things right I usually had to double check the default user and administrator folders as well.
Tidy Start Memo makes the task a whole lot simpler and the results are considerably better. I like that I can choose custom icons, and the best feature is that you can delete an app by simply right-clicking on it. Download the free version and give it a try.
My brother is a senior at CU Boulder and works in the freshman orientation office. This week, he and his coworkers were trying to assist a young woman who was having difficulty locating a building in which she said she had been instructed to attend an orientation session. When she said the name of the building was Braiden Hall, the orientation crew told her that it sounded familiar, but that it definitely wasn't a CU building. "Let me see your acceptance letter," one person asked her. After looking at the letterhead, the mix-up became clear. "Miss, I believe you've been accepted to Colorado State. In Ft. Collins." She had been looking for the CSU Student Union. The mortified young lady's face dropped. "But I just signed a lease!" she said, then fled immediately.