November 22, 2006
Romney: "Strike One"
November 16, 2006
November 14, 2006
November 08, 2006
Is she kidding?
November 07, 2006
Paging Dick Wolf....
November 06, 2006
Gaydar Alert?
November 05, 2006
Three Times The Charm
Looks like there's a little more room in the closet now that Pastor Ted Haggard has finally fessed up after days of denying allegations that he enjoyed regular sessions with a male prostitute. It's easy to attack his hypocrisy for railing against all things gay publicly while enjoying its pleasures privately. Sully, as usual, highlights the real sin:
There is no commandment not to be gay. There is a commandment not to bear false witness. Haggard bore false witness - to himself, to his wife, to his traumatized kids, to his fellow gay men and women. repeatedly, pathologically, self-destructively. The right response for Christians is compassion and forgiveness. But also hope: hope that this will help spread the truth about what being gay actually is.
Source: Andrew Sullivan | The Daily Dish
November 01, 2006
Said the Kettle to the Pot
Kudos to the Boston Globe for reminding us that John Kerry didn't exactly "make an effort to be smart" while in school.
October 09, 2006
Stop the Insanity!
October 08, 2006
Patricia - meet Job.
October 06, 2006
Attention Amnesiacs
October 03, 2006
Where do they get this stuff?
October 02, 2006
Sentence first -- verdict afterwards
So says the Alice's Queen. Mark Foley did something improper, perhaps even illegal., and he's taken responsibility. Unlike other politicians (but I digress). I think it's important to keep perspective. At least based on what we know now, he didn't rape, assault, or otherwise injure anyone. The underage pages - erroneously referred to by some as "young boys" -- were 15 and 16 years old. In many states, that's old enough to be tried as an adult for murder or to get an abortion without a parent's consent or even knowledge.
September 25, 2006
Wag the Finger
FoxNews Sunday's Chris Wallace provides some background on former president Clinton's meltdown during a recent interview:
Didn't he learn that it's not good to go on the air when you're upset?
September 12, 2006
Note to Barbara: Better Rein in Rosie....
Here's what the former "Queen of Nice" had to say on The View this morning: "Radical Christianity is as much a threat as radical Islam in a country like the United States." How will Miss Walters, one of the shows executive producers, deal with the fallout? Stay tuned....
September 05, 2006
Karl's Two Daddies?
Turns out the "Architect" has a gay dad. Can anyone explain the psychology of a person who advocates political positions and uses his power to harm a family member? (Don't even get me started on the GOP's closet case Mehlman.) Is he out for revenge, to punish his old man for breaking up the family? Or does he think he can relieve whatever misguided feelings of shame he harbors by "proving" he's a man? Whatever, I don't see why we should all suffer because Karl had an unhappy childhood. But I guess that's the history of the world....
September 04, 2006
Crikey! R.I.P.
A freak accident at sea has killed killed Australia's Steve Irwin. Sad news on this Labor Day.
September 02, 2006
Another cool productivity tool
My satisfaction with time-saving and cool applications like ClearContext has me searching for others. I've been playing with Tidy Start Menu, which does one thing very well: more easily organize my Windows Start menu. Until now, whenever I added an application, or updated a previous one, the new folders and shortcuts messed up my previous organization of links. After a significantly distracting amount of clutter had developed, I'd right click on Start/Programs/ Explore All Users and move things around. To get things right I usually had to double check the default user and administrator folders as well.
Tidy Start Memo makes the task a whole lot simpler and the results are considerably better. I like that I can choose custom icons, and the best feature is that you can delete an app by simply right-clicking on it. Download the free version and give it a try.
September 01, 2006
Admissions error?
My brother is a senior at CU Boulder and works in the freshman orientation office. This week, he and his coworkers were trying to assist a young woman who was having difficulty locating a building in which she said she had been instructed to attend an orientation session. When she said the name of the building was Braiden Hall, the orientation crew told her that it sounded familiar, but that it definitely wasn't a CU building. "Let me see your acceptance letter," one person asked her. After looking at the letterhead, the mix-up became clear. "Miss, I believe you've been accepted to Colorado State. In Ft. Collins." She had been looking for the CSU Student Union. The mortified young lady's face dropped. "But I just signed a lease!" she said, then fled immediately.
Self-publishing for the masses
August 28, 2006
Free Stuff?
Want to get back at the anti-gay radical right and hit them where it counts - right in the wallet? Check out this bodacious yet sublime scheme. I wonder how long it will take until the nimrods at Focus on the Family catch on and tighten up their operations.
Liar, Liar!
August 22, 2006
Boo Hoo
Poor little Tommy Cruise - Paramount has cut him loose. Has Sumner lost his mind or has the no accountability, free ride tide in celebrityville turned? Watch out, Mel - you could be next!
August 20, 2006
August 18, 2006
Get Well Soon, Roger
August 17, 2006
Microsoft Gets Something Right!
Two things account for my return to blogging after a four-month hiatus: the semester has ended so it seems like I have more time, and Microsoft has just introduced Windows Live Writer. This new stand-alone application makes blogging simpler than ever. There's no need to go to my Blogger account, or click "Blog This" and deal with its awkwardness. Live Writer uses my blogger template, allows me to compose off-line, and then publishes it directly and correctly to this blog.
Try ClearContext - save $15!
I've been using ClearContext, an Outlook add-in, for several months now and it has really helped me get a handle on my e-mail, tasks, and schedule.The following personal coupon code, CC15-15940, will give you $15 off the purchase price of $69.95. At least give it a try with their 30-day free trial available here. Even if you don't think it's worth the money (and I was skeptical at first, but now I don't see how I can work without it!), there's a free version with fewer features that still helps keep your e-mail well-organized.
August 15, 2006
Those Lips!
The irrepresible Sandra Bernhard hawks MAC lip gloss. Has there ever been a better spokesmodel?
Happy Anniversary! Love, Warren
After years of hoping while studios released every two-bit, dimwitted B movie in their vaults, I am so excited that Paramount is finally issuing REDS on DVD. The 25th Anniversary of the film - one of my all-time favorites (I saw it at least 7 times during its initial release, including back-to-back showings - yes I was obsessed!) - was the peg they were waiting for, I suppose. Will its Oscar-winning director Warren Beatty do any press to push sales? Doubtful, but who cares?! Now, if I could only find more information about what extras, if any, are being included. It seems to me that there is plenty of room on a second (or third!) DVD for the witness interviews in their entirety; is that what the purported 6-part documentary consists of? Well, one can hope...
P.S. Note to Paramount: it's time to update your web site, don't you think? There's no mention of this DVD's October 3 drop.
August 14, 2006
Braces, Day One
So I had my orthodontic braces installed (or whatever the appropriate verb is) this morning. All went smoothly, and it even took less time than I had thought. The brackets and wires feel awkward, but the staff assure me that within a week or so I'll adjust. Fine. And the Aleve is working like a charm so far.
Fast forward two hours when I'm ready to sit down for my first meal with my new mouth. TWACK! I felt the top wire shift to the left, and suddenly the subtle pressure I'd been feeling on my teeth is gone. With my tongue I can feel the sharp edge of something metal; that wasn't there before, was it? Quick trip to the mirror reveals that one of the brackets had come off a tooth.
The orthodontist's receptionist didn't seemed too fazed when I told her my problem; I was offered an appointment for TOMORROW afternoon. Was she kidding? I just had them put on less that three hours ago; couldn't someone fix it today? Time is of the essence - I don't want to spent one day longer than necessary with these things. I'll be seeing someone (who knows what they're doing, I hope), later this afternoon.
Not an especially propitious start, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this one. I am in Boulder after all, where "no worries" is our mantra.
April 08, 2006
April 04, 2006
He's got my vote in '08
April 03, 2006
Ding, Dong the Witch Is Dead!
Civil unions for all!
March 30, 2006
April Fools! (early edition)
What happens in MA stays in MA
Maybe it was the Ambien...
March 15, 2006
OPRAH Approved?
The Real Cost of Freedom
March 14, 2006
Quote of the Week
In Annapolis, (Capital of) Maryland, at a hearing on the proposed Constitutional Amendment to prohibit gay marriage, Jamie Raskin, professor of law at AU, was requested to testify and he did so.
At the conclusion of his testimony, a right-wing senator rose to say, 'Mr. Raskin, my Bible says that marriage shall occur only between a man and a woman. What do you have to say about that?'
Raskin: 'Senator, when you took your oath of office, you placed your hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution. You did not place your hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible.'
The room erupted into applause.
Romney's mascot: a pander bear
March 06, 2006
See for yourself
Oscar Trivia, 2006
March 05, 2006
Oscar Blog, Final Thoughts
Overall, the show was about average, continuing the recent tradition of minimal spontineity, few surprises, and just one moment for the history books.
I thought Jon Stewart did a fine job, and certainly deserves to be asked back. The Daily Show-inspired Oscar "campaign" ads were a hoot, but the zingers were few and far between.
Oh, well - let's do this again in 12 months!
Oscar blog, 7
Oscar Blog, 6
Oscar Blog, 6
Oscar Blog, 5
Greatest Oscar Prop ever
Oscar blog, 4
Oscar Blog, 3
Oscar Blog, cont'
Blogging the Oscars...
Loved Nicole Kidman's reference to the nominees as "all leading men," and Best Supporting Actor goes to George Clooney. Will his thoughtful speech, without this list of thank yous, be a model of things to come?
My Oscar Predictions
Best Picture: Crash
Best Director, Ang Lee, Brokeback Mountain
Best Actor: Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Capote
Best Actress: Felicity Huffman, TransAmerica
Best Supporting Actor: Jake Gyllenhall, Brokeback Mountain
Best Supporting Actress: Amy Adams, Junebug
Best Original Screenplay: Crash
Best Adapted Screenplay: Brokeback Mountain
Cinematography: Brokeback Mountain
Animated Feature: Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
I'm going out on a limb with several of these - and I wouldn't be surprised to see Brokeback for Best Picture, Reese Witherspoon (Actress), George Clooney (Supp. Actor), and Rachel Weisz (Supp. Actress) win instead. Nothing will make me cheer more loudly than if Amy Adams wins - the supporting actress category has been a wild card in the past and as prone to recognize great performances (e.g., Marsha Gay Harden in Pollack) as well as payback (e.g., Judi Dench in Shakespeare in Love) and hers is the best BY FAR - if only the voters took the time to watch it.
We'll know before too long.....
March 02, 2006
2 for 1? I'll pass
March 01, 2006
Small Investor, Beware!
February 23, 2006
February 22, 2006
The Source of Evil in the Modern World
Did you know that most commerically produced bread - the kind most Moms in America buy for the kids' lunches, including the supposedly-healthy whole grain types - is made with HFCS? I sure didn't, and believe me you have to read a lot of lables to find the few varieties of non-organic, reasonably priced bread to find one made with honey or cane sugar instead.
This article explains the link between HFCS, Federal corn subsidies, and America's growing obsesity crisis.
And where are our lawmakers in all of this? In bed with the agribusiness giants, of course. Remember this the next time you see an ad on those Sunday morning talk shows from ADM - one of the leading purveyers of this poison, and the most prominant recipient of Federal subsidies.