August 21, 2003

Wonderful news for Nancy LaMott fans. I cherish her six albums (plus the few others on whch she sings a track or two, including the soundtrack for the film Jeffrey) How wonderful to hear more from this most splendid artist, who left us too soon and young.

August 15, 2003

I can't help but fear that yesterday's black out was caused by terrorists testing to see what would happen if they conducted a relatively small-scale disruption to the power grid. Think about it: they targeted a known weakness (the Hart-Rudman report identified it; see p. 27) and probed to see what the effects would be and how we would respond. And what did they learn: no wide-spread pandemonium, no panic, no looting - but also no advanced warning and no way to prevent it. Could this be similar to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center - a not-so-subtly signalled preview of awful things to come?
Arianna is toast. No candidate can survive such a disclosure. Even though she broke no laws and did exactlty what the tax code allows, people don't want to elect someone who pays less than they do it taxes.

August 08, 2003

Now that's a smart dog!